Sunday, May 12, 2019



At the beginning of the experiment of defined my Architectural theory as the need, " to stimulate individuals into attaining a certain emotional and physical ambition, which is derived for the designs ability to transcend the past and time."

Hero shot: The building above represents the very Architectural theory that was defined at the start of the experiment, whereby the timeless shapes, open spaces and abundance of natural light are extremely influential in stimulating individuals into a state of mind that not only prepares them for the tasks ahead (with a large amount of student designated spaces) but enables them to develop a sense of warmth and positive energy for their studies.

Other Images:

Above: Depiction of the bridge connecting the proposed building to square house

Above: Depiction of the building from the ground

Above: Rear Facade 


Above is a video depicting architectural movement. Admittingly  these two features are very practical and are useful in aiding both the functional and aesthetic features of the building.

The first moving element is a feature that follows the sun from the east. The purpose of this to prevent the library from receiving two much sunlight.

The second moving element is an elevator. This is just a practical feature. However it is important to highlight that the elevator accentuates vertical movement due to being glass, enabling individuals to be transformed onto a metaphorical vertical bridge.

Sixth Floor
1. Staff Conference Rooms
2. Staff Lounge
Fifth Floor
3. Staff Kitchen
4. Staff Lounge
5. Staff Research/ Office Area
6. Rooftop Terrace
7. Studio 1
8. Studio 2 (With Furniture)
Fourth Floor
9. Student Lounge/ Recreation Area
10. Terrace
11. Studio 3
12. Studio 4
Third Floor
13. Student Kitchen
14. Student Research/ Work Area
15. Open Gallery
16/ 17. Library: Student meeting rooms 
Second Floor18. Student Kitchen
19. Student Research/ Work Area
20. Lecture Theater (Seats 144)
21. Open Gallery
22/ 23. Library: Student meeting rooms 
First Floor
24. Student Research/ Work Area
25. Workshop (External Entrance)
26. Gallery/ Entrance

WEEK 2: Two - Point Perspective

WEEK 2: Two - Point Perspective

Sketch 2 Two Point Perspective

Sketch 4 Two Point Perspective

Week 5: Animated Axonometric Drawings


Above: Demonstration of the basic building blocks of my design, feature 6 rectangular rectangles.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Week 3: Plan


Plan 1
Above: Possible Plan Section.
Below: Corresponding Plan section, depicting the designs relationship to the Squarehous.

Plan 2

Above: Another possible Plan section feature a large amount of possible student spaces
Below: Top View of design, depicting connection to squarehouse.


Left: Another possible plan section, as well as a possible open roof design to establish a functioning rooftop terrace.
Right: Rooftop terrace designs 

Week 4: Textures


Week 1: Sketches


Sketch 1

Sketch 1 Back and Right Perspective

Sketch 2

Sketch 2 Back and Left Perspectives

Sketch 3

Sketch 3 Left and Back Perspective

Sketch 4

Sketch 4 Back and Right Perspective.
Note: I an unsure why the perspectives were not scanned with
straight lines as they are in my notebook.  

Sketch 5: This sketch is more literal in that I tried to create a generic floor plan

Sketch 5 Left and Right Perspectives

Sketch 6: Once again this sketch was a generic attempt to create a buildings outline (although it was not required).

Sketch 6 Back Perspective

LUMION RENDER: Perspective 4
Site Context

Perspective 4


The news article above, " Architecture as social facilitator: The Architecture Symposium, Brisbane 2019," not only stresses the importance of delivering architecture beyond "built form," but highlights the need for architecture to evoke feelings that connects humanity and serves "our own human condition."

Hence I have chosen that for architecture to serve as a social facilitator, it must reflect the following three words:

  1. Stimulate 
  2. Transcend 
  3. Ambition

Thus, the Architectural theory of the design is to stimulate individuals into attaining a certain emotional and physical ambition, which is derived for the designs ability to transcend the past and time.


EXPERIMENT TWO: THE BRIDGE At the beginning of the experiment of defined my Architectural theory as the need, " to stimulate indivi...